Village Folk

the 10th ‘Operation Market Larden’ gaming day was held over the weekend of the 1st/2nd June.

I decided to run a game on the day – a scenario based on the Warg Attack from ‘The Two Tower’ film adaption, where the column of refugees fleeing Edoras for Helm’s Deep are ambushed by Wargs from Isengard – using the ‘Dux Arda’ Lord of the Rings variant of the Dux Britanniarum rules.

However, in order to run this scenario, I needed a number of refugees – much more than I currently have (I painted a couple of packs of Dark Age villagers from Gripping Beast a few years ago). Luckily, last year I had picked the ‘Northmen Folk Rabble’ plastic box set from Fireforge games (Part of their Forgotten World range) and these seemed to be ideal for what I needed.

Add to that the ‘Baggage’ pack from the Gripping Beast Saga range, and we have our refugees.

Great figures for the scenario in particular, but actually a number of villager models that are useful for all sorts of games – Rangers of Shadow Deep, Baron’s War, Saga amongst others.

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