Painting Tally – March 2019

March once again turned out to be a decent month for painting, as I continued with my miniatures for Rangers of Shadow Deep.

Painted: 39

15 Rangers from Foundry, plus 3 Hunting Hounds (Otherworld) and 12 Zombies (Mantic) and 9 Villagers (Gripping Beast).

A productive month means that, probably for the first time since I have been keeping record on how many miniatures I am painting, I have painted more than 1 miniature a day for the year so far (only just, but it counts!)

YTD Painted: 91

Purchased: 261

March turned out to be the month when all sorts of projects got started, either by accident all design.

There were a number of models for Rangers of Shadow Deep – 40 in total.


There were a few other figures for several games, including RoSD, Daisho and Burrows & Badgers – 7 more figures here.

Three projects got started: War of the Roses, Mortal Gods and Fantasy warbands for Dwarfs, Elves and Goblins. A total of 196 miniatures(!)


I picked up a new expansion for Mansions of Madness, before it went out of print once more – 11 models


Finally there were two new boxes of Star Wars Legion to collect – 7 additional models here.

Monthly Aggregate: -222

YTD Aggregate: -487

5 Comments on Painting Tally – March 2019

  1. John Sharman // April 1, 2019 at 08:04 // Reply


    Stop buying new unpainted models! You are fast disappearing under an unpainted mountain of purchases! You will have to live a long time to paint them even if you stop buying now. I was in similar circumstances albeit at a smaller model count and have since divested myself of much of my unused collections. I expect when I peg it my wife will just bin the whole lot! But I feel a whole lot better!


  2. Neil,
    Stop painting unpainted models! You are making the rest of us look bad! 🙂
    Seriously, mate, well done. More than I’ve done although I have a new baby that I can blame for taking up painting time. 😀 I suspect that just the fact that you are posting your progress is going to be a big incentive to keep it up. That’s why I want to start tracking my own work on my blog. But I might wait until the baby is sleeping through the night first.
    Best, Nicholas

  3. Great painting. I really like the wolf hounds. That said, John is right. Duuude, hold off on the purchasing while you get more painted. Your bank account will thank you.

    Now I’ll just go off and look at 1/1200 modern jet fighters. Don’t mind me. 😉

  4. Lovely stuff – well done Neil!

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