Doctor Who Miniatures Game – first minis available for pre-order

Since Warlord Games announced that they had purchased the IP to produce an official Doctor Who Miniatures Game, fans have been eager to see what they are going to produce.

Well, the first miniatures went up for pre-order yesterday and the models are…to be honest, a bit underwhelming.


There are two box sets available, though we have only seen the miniatures for one of these. Priced at £19.99 for 5 figures, they are certainly towards the top-end of price bracket, which is probably to be expected given the IP involved.

david-tennant-as-theWhilst these new figures have to be applauded as they are much closer to the actual likeness of the characters (the Donna Noble sculpt probably being the best, it’s pretty much spot-on) the poses are a little static (and come on, the doctor really should have had his hands in his trouser pockets – that is the David Tennet Doctor iconic pose) to the point where I much prefer the more caricature models that have been produced by other companies in recent years – these other sculpts  seem more animated by comparison – or maybe I’m just missing the 10th Doctor’s ‘big hair’ of the later episodes; a feature that is sadly lacking from the new model despite featuring prominently in the description of the box set on the website.


No pictures of miniatures from the 12th Doctor box set yet…

Whilst models from the entire series of Doctor Who are promised in future, we still have no word on the actual release date for this game. Hopefully we will find out more about the actual game mechanics soon.

4 Comments on Doctor Who Miniatures Game – first minis available for pre-order

  1. Was looking forward to this one but after seeing the minis and agreeing with you will wait and see what th game is like before committing as will need to grab minis from other companies.

  2. I agree that these are slightly underwhelming.

    I’m really interested to see what the plastic kits are like now (Daleks, Cybermen and UNIT Troopers) – maybe these will knock the metals out of the park?

    I still remember the old Citadel Miniatures Daleks and Cybermen box set from the 80s and have been dreaming of some decent multi-part plastics for them for years. Hoping for lots of variation in both Dalek and Cybermen design reflecting the different ‘marks’ down the years.

    Fingers crossed.

  3. Word has it on the Toofatlardies yahoo group that Rich Clarke modelled for the Wilf figure….

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