The Great War: The French Army launches on Kickstarter

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAPSC Games have launched a Kickstarter project to fund the next expansion for ‘The Great War’ series of World War I boardgames.

Following on from the core game and the Tank expansion, The French Army box set gives figures, rules and scenarios for using this army in the game. The scenarios concentrate on the action around the battle of Verdun in 1916.

The Great War - FranceAs well as the French Army box set, the project is also looking to fund (as stretch goals) the production of new ‘special personnel’ figures for the British and German armies, which can be used as additions to the first two games. These figures, which include engineers, flame-throwers, light machine gunners, and spotters, have figures and rules included in this expansion – the stretch goals are to add these retrospectively to the base game.

Additionally, the original figures from the first game are being redesigned and produced off-the-sprue in a softer plastic.

The project had a funding goal of £12,000, which it has over doubled within it’s first 24 hours. The project is running until the 30th November, with delivery due in June 2018.

You can find out more details and back the project here

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